
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Collage is a technique that can be called mixed-media art. The term collage originate from the French term papers collés - that means used to describe techniques of pasting paper cuts in different/ various surfaces/places. In collage technique, imagination is limitless. Normally, what we didn’t see in our world by together, we have a chance to put together/ put side by side by making collage. Collage is not only include papers, it can also include other medias such as painting, drawing, digital collage and three dimensional elements. While you creating your own collage, the content is up to you, in other words, you could criticize something in it, or you can express the idea in directly or creating very abstract way. The way you tell a story is what is in your own mind. Therefore, I like the collage technique because I make my own rules. I don’t have to put myself any obligation or rules. Normally, every pieces that you put together has a deep meaning in it. However...

Experimental Film

What we covered in this week is about experimental film that is also called avant-garde cinema. Experimental film usually re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explain the subject bu using different kinds of approach to display audience. Experimental films are usually made cheaply with low budgets. Generally, experimental film doesn’t reach many people and these kinds of films are not having a broad influence on people. Additionally, these kinds of films explain the subject in a different approach and it makes many time to understand hard. It contains so much metaphoric meanings/things and sometimes it is getting hard to follow narrative of the film. However, experimental film makes people to think and understand. Even if it is hard to understand, most of the time it is subjective. There are no one truth. What you understand or what you get in the idea, it is true for your perspective. It is different, unique. People experience what they haven’t been traditionally explored b...


Every time we watched film, most of the time we don’t consider sound in terms of how these sounds make it by people. In sci-fi films or action films, they are many different kinds of sounds which should be made by people by using different types of approach. It is called foley. People get in a sound studio and they made sounds by using different things. For example, many scene of people stab each other, these sound   usually made by using lettuces and knife. Every time in film people stab each other, a person who sound maker in studio, stab the lettuce and reach same sound what they want to approach. It should be synchronous . The   film called Berberian Sound Studio (2012) which is directed by Peter Strickland, we watched in COMD207 and I have first time watched these kinds of film.The way film was edited, the way they showed how to make sound is interesting for me. I have never before seen and also think about how sound made it in film so, the way they reach...